English 197 — Intro to DH (F 2022) – Schedule

Schedule for English 197 (F 2022)

Introduction to Digital Humanities

This is the main course website. There is also a course Canvas site for uploading assignments.


Class 1 (Sept. 22, 2022)

Introduction to the course

Close vs. Distant Reading

Class 2 (Sept. 27, 2022)


Class 3 (Sept. 29, 2022)


  • Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees (2007), pp. 1-33 Print book
    [Purchase this book, available at the UCEN bookstore]

Text Encoding

Class 4 (Oct. 4, 2022)


Text Analysis

Class 7 (Oct. 13, 2022)


Text Analysis (Topic Models)

Class 8 (Oct. 18, 2022)


Class 10 (Oct. 25, 2022)


Class 11 (Oct. 27, 2022)


Text Analysis (Word Vectors)

Class 12 (Nov. 1, 2022)


  • Benjamin Schmidt, “Vector Space Models for the Digital Humanities” (2015) — (Note: this blog post will appear to freeze for about a minute during downloading in your browser because of a large interactive visualization in it. (If your browser pops up a message asking if you want to “wait” or “cancel,” choose to wait.)
  • Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay et al., “Word Embedding Demo  Tutorial” (2022) — Note: The actual interactive demo accompanying this tutorial about word embeddings (or word vectors) is assigned for the second part of Practicum 5.

Class 13 (Nov. 3, 2022)


  • Ryan Heuser, “Word Vectors in the Eighteenth Century” (conference proceedings abstract) (2017) PDF File
    • Optional: If you are interested, you may wish to read Ryan Heuser’s series of blog posts about word embedding linked from this page on his blog (with individual posts on “Concepts,” “Methods,” “From Fields to Vectors,” and “Semantic Networks”).

AI (Large Language Models)

Class 14 (Nov. 8, 2022)


Class 15 (Nov. 10, 2022)


Social Network Analysis

Class 16 (Nov.15, 2022)


Class 17 (Nov. 17, 2022)


Class 18 (Nov. 22, 2022)



Class 19 (Nov. 29, 2022)


Class 20 (Dec. 1, 2022) — Last Meeting of Course


  • Student Presentations (presentations of final project proposals due in final form on Dec. 6)

(Due by Dec. 6, 2022) — Final Assignment Due This Date (not a class meeting date)

A Note About Access to Reading Materials For This Course

Cover of Franco Moretti's Graphs, Maps, Trees

Cover of Franco Moretti’s Graphs, Maps, Trees


Manicule There is one book to purchase for the course: Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History, Paperback ed (London: Verso, 2007), ISBN-13: 978-1844671854. (Available as physical book at UCEN Bookstore and in both physical and digital forms from online vendors; please acquire book as soon as possible, since readings are assigned from it beginning in Class 3.)

Manicule All other readings are online. Paywalled articles can be accessed over the UCSB network (or from off-campus by using the campus VPN (through the Ivanti Secure Access service, previously named Pulse) or the campus Library Proxy Server. You can also try to find open-access versions of paywalled materials using the Unpaywall extension for the Chrome or Firefox browsers. (Advice: It is a good idea to download materials as early as possible in case, for example, PDFs that are currently available open-access, on the open net, or through a UCSB Library digital database subscription later become inaccessible.)

Because so many readings are online (an increasingly prevalent trend in college courses), students will need to develop a method or workflow for themselves that optimizes their ability to study the materials. While everyone has their own personal preferences and technical constraints, the following guide includes suggested options for handling online materials:

Guide to Downloading and Managing Online Readings


This is the main course website. There is also a course Canvas site for uploading assignments.