Ultrabasic Guide to the Internet

My primer for colleagues learning about the Internet. 124 pp.; “published” in bound form in 1994 and sold for $11 through my campus bookstore.

Date: 5 October 1994

  • Ultrabasic Guide to the Internet (full text as .pdf) (ported from a page-making program into PDF with some loss of elegance in formatting; bookmarks added to chapters)
  • Ultrabasic Guide to the Internet, windscreen metaphor image
    Ultrabasic Guide to the Internet, windscreen metaphor image

    My image from the guide illustrating the Internet as it appears through the “windshield” while driving on the information superhighway.


“On the Hill”

Citation: Alan Liu, “On the Hill,” The Little Magazine (Dragon Press / B. DeBoer) 10.3-4 (Fall-Winter, 1976): 13-24

Short story published in 1976 and included in my thesis for the M.A. in Creative Writing, Stanford University, 1979.  (Full text as PDF)