Class 4 (English 197 – Fall 2022)

This is the main course website. There is also a course Canvas site for uploading assignments.

Class Business

“Distant Reading” (continued)

Cover of Franco Moretti's Graphs, Maps, Trees
arrowhead-right-black-small Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees (2007), pp. 1-33

Quotations & Graphs from Moretti
(see on Class 3 Notes page)

arrowhead-right-black-small Example of Block Quote:

From Arnold Stein, “Wyatt’s ‘They Flee From Me,’” Sewanee Review 67, no. 1 (1959): 28–44.
From Arnold Stein, “Wyatt’s ‘They Flee From Me,’” Sewanee Review 67, no. 1 (1959): 28–44.

  • “Graph” Arrow left originally abbreviation of graphic formula (OED),  from graphic (< Latin graphicus, Greek γραϕικός, < γραϕή drawing or writing. Compare French graphique)
  • “Diagram” Arrow left French diagramme, or < Latin diagramma, Greek διάγραμμα that which is marked out by lines, a geometrical figure, written list, register, the gamut or scale in music, < διαγράϕειν to mark out by lines, draw, draw out, write in a register, < δια- through + γράϕειν to write.

Graphs, Diagrams, Charts, Tables, etc.

“Text” (History & Concept)

arrowhead-right-black-small William Warner, Kimberly Knight, and UCSB Transliteracies History of Reading Group“In the Beginning was the Word: A Visualization of the Page as Interface”

Gospel of St. John (from video "In the Beginning was the Word: A Visualization of the Page as Interface”)

Gospel of St. John in scriptio continua (from video "In the Beginning was the WordA Visualization of the Page as Interface”)
Gospel of St. John in scriptio continua (from video “In the Beginning was the WordA Visualization of the Page as Interface”)

  • Text” Arrow left OED: French texte, also Old Northern French tixte, tiste (12th cent. in Godefroy), the Scriptures, etc., < medieval Latin textus the Gospel, written character (Du Cange), Latin textus (u-stem) style, tissue of a literary work (Quintilian), lit. that which is woven, web, texture, < text-, participial stem of texĕre to weave.
  • Chapter” Arrow left OED: Old French chapitre , earlier chapitle < Latin capitulum . diminutive of caput head, used, in ancient Latin, in the senses ‘little head, head of a plant, capital of a column’, and later, those of ‘head-dress of women, chapter of a book, section of a law’….

arrowhead-right-black-small Yin Liu“Ways of Reading, Models for Text, and the Usefulness of Dead People”  (2013)

Yin Liu, "Ways of Reading, Models for Text, and the Usefulness of Dead People" (2013) (table)
Table from Yin Liu, “Ways of Reading, Models for Text, and the Usefulness of Dead People” (2013)

Fleuron icon (small)

This is the main course website. There is also a course Canvas site for uploading assignments.