English 238 (2021 F) – Schedule

Schedule for English 238 (Fall 2021)

Digital Humanities: Introduction to the Field

Manicule A Note About Access to Reading Materials For This Course (See also Guide to Downloading and Organizing Online Readings)
PDF File = PDF1-px transparent spacerVideo icon = Video1-px transparent spacerlocked icon = Paywalled (off-campus access through UCSB VPN)1-px transparent spacerlocked icon = Course password required

Introduction (Renegotiating “Liberal Arts” and “Human Sciences” — Humanities, Digital Humanities, and Data Science)

Data (and/as Idea, Form, Structure, Model, Prediction)

Archives (in the Digital and Big Data Age)

Text Encoding (& its Discontents)

Text Analysis (& its Discontents)“Distant Reading”

Text Analysis (continued) — Topic Modeling

Social Network Analysis

The DH Reimagination of Space & Time
(Spatial and Temporal Analysis)

AI — Neural-Network Artificial Intelligence

[Project Proposals Presentations]

Fleuron icon (small)

A Note About Access to Reading Materials For This Course

All readings are online. Paywalled articles can be accessed over the UCSB network (or from off-campus by using the campus Pulse VPN service or the campus Library Proxy Server). You can also try to find open-access versions of paywalled materials using the Unpaywall extension for the Chrome or Firefox browsers. (Advice: It is a good idea to download materials as early as possible in case, for example, PDFs that are currently available open-access, on the open net, or through a UCSB Library digital database subscription later become inaccessible.)

Because so many readings are online (an increasingly prevalent trend in college courses), students will need to develop a method or workflow for themselves that optimizes their ability to study the materials. While everyone has their own personal preferences and technical constraints, the following guide includes suggested options for handling online materials:

Guide to Downloading and Managing Online Readings

