Class Business
Upcoming Readings & Assignments
- Schedule
- Get started reading the novel, Thomas Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49. (Read at to page 88 by Friday’s class if possible. If not, a minimum is the first two chapters, pp. 1-30.)
- First essay assignment
- Common formatting problems to avoid:
- Lack of an essay title (provide a title that is specific for your paper, not just “Paper 1”)
- Single-line spacing (use double spacing)
- Lack of quote marks for direct quotations (use quote marks around direct quotations)
- Note: be aware of the proper format for “block quotations”
- Reminder: Intellectual Property & Academic Integrity Guidelines
- Common formatting problems to avoid:
- Midterm exam: 60-minute exam on Monday May 2.
Lecture 9
Computer Revolution (1): History of the Computer (continued)
Computer Revolution (2): Rise of the Network