English 25 (S 2022) – Bibliography for Class 7

Bibliography for English 25 (S 2022) — Class 7

The following is the part of the English 25 bibliography relevant to this class. (Also see: cumulative course bibliography.)

Ashbaugh, Dennis, et al. Agrippa (A Book of the Dead). Kevin Begos, 1992. Cite
Gorman, Samantha, and Danny Cannizzaro. Pry (Website and Trailer). 2014, https://tenderclaws.com/pry. Cite
Gorman, Samantha, and Danny Cannizzaro. Pry. Tender Claws, 2014, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pry/id846195114. Cite
Jackson, Shelley. Snow. 2014, https://www.instagram.com/snowshelleyjackson/. Cite
Liu, Alan, et al. The Agrippa Files. 2005, http://agrippa.english.ucsb.edu/. Cite
Rettberg, Scott, and Shelley Jackson. “Room for So Much World: A Conversation with Shelley Jackson.” Electronic Book Review, 2019, https://electronicbookreview.com/essay/room-for-so-much-world-a-conversation-with-shelley-jackson/. Cite
