URL for this page: bit.ly/liu100
Digital Humanities & New Media Studies in the English Dept., 1994 to present
Selected Projects
- Transliteracies Project: Research in the Technological, Social, & Cultural Practices of Online Reading (2005-2010)
- The Agrippa Files (2005)
- RoSE (Research Oriented Social Environment) (2009)
- Scanner Praxis (2012)
- Swerve (Zach Horton, 2015)
- Transverse Reading (2017)
- From Prof. Jeremy Douglass: “The Transverse Reading Project is listed in FRAP (https://urca.ucsb.edu/frap/310), and is currently taking undergrad RAs for course credit — or for hourly — to work on encoding the shapes of interactive narratives and graphic narratives. It has traditionally involved work with UCSB Library Special Collections or a collection in the Digital Arts and Humanities Commons, but we are transitioning to a digital / remote work system.”
- 4Humanities.org (2010-)
- WhatEvery1Says (WE1S) (2013-)
Examples of Project-based Courses
Past courses:
- English 197 (A. Liu), “Hacking Literary Interpretation”
- English 149 (A. Liu), “Literature+” (example of student team project)
Current year:
- English 146DS (A. Liu, Winter 2021), “Data Stories”
Next year:
- English 146GB (J. Douglass, Games, Books, and Gamebooks)
- English 147VN (J. Douglass, Visual Narrative)
- English 149 (J. Douglass, Media and Information Culture)
- From Prof. Jeremy Douglass: “Students can also learn research methods for working with interactive print, video games, and comics / Graphic narratives in my 146GB Games Books and Gamebooks, 147VN Visual Narrative and 149 courses, although I am not offering another until next year. I am currently teaching a firstyear-only course INT 36GS How Games Tell Stories, and interested students are welcome to request guest access to the course materials.”