English 25 (S 2023) – Bibliography for Class 26

Bibliography for English 25 (S 2023) — Class 26

The following is the part of the English 25 bibliography relevant to this class. (Also see: cumulative course bibliography.)

Blei, David M. “Probabilistic Topic Models.” Communications of the ACM, vol. 55, no. 4, 2012, pp. 77–84, https://doi.org/10.1145/2133806.2133826. Cite
Goldstone, Andrew, et al. “Interpreting the Topic Model of Signs.” Signs at 40, 2014, http://signsat40.signsjournal.org/topic-model/#/about. Cite
Goldstone, Andrew, et al. “Topics in Signs: A Topic Model of the Signs Archive.” Signs at 40, 2014, http://signsat40.signsjournal.org/topic-model/#/about. Cite
Underwood, Ted. “Topic Modeling Made Just Simple Enough.” The Stone and the Shell, 2012, https://tedunderwood.com/2012/04/07/topic-modeling-made-just-simple-enough/. Cite
