English 197 (S 2024) – Bibliography for Class 9

Bibliography for English 197 (S 2024) — Class 9

This is the main course website. There is also a course Canvas site for uploading assignments.
The following is the part of the English 197 bibliography relevant to this class. (Also see: cumulative course bibliography.)
Goldstone, Andrew. “A Topic Model of Literary Studies Journals,” 2014. https://www.sas.rutgers.edu/virtual/ag978/quiet/#/model/grid. Cite
Goldstone, Andrew, and Ted Underwood. “The Quiet Transformations of Literary Studies: What Thirteen Thousand Scholars Could Tell Us.” New Literary History 45, no. 3 (2014): 359–84. https://doi.org/10.1353/nlh.2014.0025. Cite
This is the main course website. There is also a course Canvas site for uploading assignments.