English 238 (F 2024) – Schedule

Schedule for English 238 (F 2024):
Critical Infrastructure Studies

Class 1 (Oct. 1, 2024) — Introduction: Thinging

Image created from ChatGPT40 on May 26, 2024, using the prompt: "Create an image of a stone."
Image created from ChatGPT4o (and DALL-E 3) on May 26, 2024, using the prompt: “Create an image of a stone.”


Related Materials (not required)

CIstudies.org Bibliography: Object and thing studies | Affordance theory

Class 2 (Oct. 8, 2024) — Ethnographic Approaches

Image created from ChatGPT40 on May 26, 2024, using the prompt: "Create an image of knowledge infrastrucrures that includes both old and recent mechanisms and their users."
Image created from ChatGPT4o (and DALL-E 3) on May 26, 2024, using the prompt: “Create an image of knowledge infrastrucrures that includes both old and recent mechanisms and their users.”


Related Materials (not required)

CIstudies.org Bibliography: Ethnographical approaches

Class 3 (Oct. 15, 2024) — Science Technology Studies (STS) and History of Technology (HOT) Approaches (including ANT theory)

Ant mill (Photo by Clemzouzou69, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)
Ant mill (Photo by Clemzouzou69, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)


Related Materials (not required)

CIstudies.org Bibliography: STS approaches

Class 4 (Oct. 22, 2024) — Media Infrastructure Approaches

15-meter Holmdel horn antenna at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey built in 1959 for pioneering work in communication satellites for the NASA ECHO. (Photo: NASA, restored by Bammesk, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)
15-meter Holmdel horn antenna at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey built in 1959 for pioneering work in communication satellites for the NASA ECHO. (Photo: NASA, restored by Bammesk, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)


Related Materials (not required)

CIstudies.org Bibliography: Media infrastructures

Class 5 (Oct. 29, 2024) — Digital Humanities Approaches

Figure 14: Word embedding model of "Complexion" in the EEBO Corpus from 1500 to 1623. (From Lee, James, Blaine Greteman, Jason Lee, and David Eichmann, "Linked Reading: Digital Historicism and Early Modern Discourses of Race around Shakespeare's Othello," 2018. https://doi.org/10.22148/16.018, CC Attribution 4.0 International license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)
Figure 14: Word embedding model of “Complexion” in the EEBO Corpus from 1500 to 1623. (From Lee, James, Blaine Greteman, Jason Lee, and David Eichmann, “Linked Reading: Digital Historicism and Early Modern Discourses of Race around Shakespeare’s Othello,” 2018, CC Attribution 4.0 International license)


Related Materials (not required)

Compare related approaches, including platform studies and media archaeology.  Example readings:

See also CIstudies.org Bibliography: Digital humanities

Class 6 (Nov. 5, 2024) — [Interim Reports on “Starter Kits” and Other Assignments]

This class will be devoted to interim reports and discussion of the “Starter Kits for Infrastructure Studies” assignment (readings and exhibits assembled by students on infrastructure studies in relation to particular fields or topics). Students will also report on progress toward their research blog posts (or planning for the alternative essay assignment). These “interim reports” can be informal, but students  are welcome to prepare materials to show in advance (e.g., documents, online resources, slide shows). A convenient way for everyone to show things in class will be to share screens over Zoom.


Class 7 (Nov. 12, 2024) — Intersectional Approaches: Race, Gender, Decolonial

Highway interchange. (The Jane M. Byrne Interchange in April 2022)
Highway interchange. (The Jane M. Byrne Interchange in April 2022) (Photo: Sea Cow, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Related Materials (not required)

See also CIstudies.org Bibliography: Social justice | Race & ethnicity | Postcolonial & colonial | Borders & migration | Feminist | Disability & accessibility

Class 8 (Nov. 19, 2024) — “Repair” and “Waste” Approaches

Image created from ChatGPT4o (and DALL-E 3) on May 26, 2024, using the prompt: "Create a photorealistic image in black-and-white of giant garbage, trash, waste, and recycling site with people picking through the stuff. Include a veil of mist blowing in the wind."
Image created from ChatGPT4o (and DALL-E 3) on May 26, 2024, using the prompt: “Create a photorealistic image in black-and-white of giant garbage, trash, waste, and recycling site with people picking through the stuff. Include a veil of mist blowing in the wind.”


Related Materials (not required)

CIstudies.org Bibliography: Waste, Garbage, Sewage | Disaster | Labor & work

Class 9 (Nov. 26, 2024) — The Poetry of Infrastructure

Hawks Nest Dam, West Virginia (Photo: Antony-22, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
Hawks Nest Dam, West Virginia (Photo: Antony-22, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)


Related Materials (not required)

Additional resources on The Book of the Dead:

Dayton, Tim. Muriel Rukeyser’s the Book of the Dead. Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 2015. https://www.amazon.com/Muriel-Rukeysers-Book-Dead-Dayton/dp/0826220630/.
Rukeyser, Muriel, and Catherine Venable Moore. The Book of the Dead. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2018. https://wvupressonline.com/node/717.

See also primary and secondary works in the following categories of the CIstudies.org Bibliography: PoetryFiction | Art and aesthetics | Photography

Class 10 (Dec. 3, 2024) — Student Presentations

Presentations of “Starter Kits”

In presenting their “starter kits,” students should give an overview but also focus on one or two highlights.

A Note About Access to Reading Materials For This Course

All readings are online. Paywalled articles can be accessed over the UCSB network (or from off-campus by using the campus Pulse VPN service or the campus Library Proxy Server. You can also try to find open-access versions of paywalled materials using the Unpaywall extension for the Chrome or Firefox browsers. (Advice: It is a good idea to download materials as early as possible in case, for example, PDFs that are currently available open-access, on the open net, or through a UCSB Library digital database subscription later become inaccessible.)

Because so many readings are online (an increasingly prevalent trend in college courses), students will need to develop a method or workflow for themselves that optimizes their ability to study the materials. While everyone has their own personal preferences and technical constraints, the following guide includes suggested options for handling online materials:

Guide to Downloading and Managing Online Readings

