English 146DS (W 2021) – Bibliography for Class 15

Bibliography for English 146DS (W 2021) — Class 15

The following is the part of the English 146DS bibliography relevant to this class. (Also see: cumulative course bibliography.)

Jevbratt, Lisa. 1:1 (2). 2001. Internet and Web. Cite
Legrady, George. Making Visible the Invisible. 2005. Computer and software installation. https://www.mat.ucsb.edu/g.legrady/glWeb/Projects/spl/spl.html. Cite
Legrady, George. Pockets Full of Memories II. 2003. Computer and software installation. https://www.mat.ucsb.edu/g.legrady/glWeb/Projects/pfom2/pfom2.html. Cite
Lupi, Giorgia, and Stefanie Posavec. “Dear Data (Web Site for Project).” Dear Data, n. d. http://www.dear-data.com/all. Cite
Lupi, Giorgia, and Stefanie Posavec. Dear Data. First edition. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2016. Cite
